How do you move forward when your spouse is deep in shame and lacks empathy and remorse?
Watch Listen Read If you’re, if they’re in shame and lack empathy your question of moving forward is first of all, it’s going to be focusing on your healing because if you want him to, or your spouse to hold that pain, they might not be ready. They’ve got to do their work so they […]
I have to no one to share my shame with. How can I not be embarrassed by that shame?
Watch Listen Read No one to shame share, I’m too embarrassed. Okay, who even can I get to be like my shame partner that I can talk about shame. The first place is recognizing when it is that you’re feeling it. You’re talking about an experience that you had in junior high that was really […]
Are there specific books, resources, or guiding questions that you use in your shame group?
Watch Listen Read So first I would like to say, anybody who would ever like an online shame group, I would be first in line to want to run that group, so plug for group. In response to the questions, what resources do we use for that group? It is a resource for therapist’s so […]
What is the difference between shame and self-esteem?
Watch Listen Read The primary difference between shame and self-esteem is self-esteem is a thinking exercise. We think self-esteem, we think through, I graduated from BYU, I studied this, we think through our self-esteem we can, it’s a thinking exercise. Shame occurs in the limbic part of our brain, which you know, that is when […]
Why do I feel shame within my family?
Watch Listen Read Our family of origin, unfortunately, can be a large source of shame in our lives. And it sounds like in your case, what is deeply painful is the same patterns keep reoccurring, the pattern between your mom and your brother. And this is why it’s so crucial to understand the emotion of […]
Am I in denial?
Watch Listen Read Am I in denial that I feel shame around not telling my family, but I also know it’s the right thing. Am I in denial? I am so thrilled by the women responding. You are not in denial. Trust yourself. You are smart. In disclosing to family members, we tell you to […]
Why do I feel more humiliated than I do shame from my husband’s actions?
Watch Listen Read I think I feel more humiliated than I am shame that I’m feeling shame from my husband’s actions. And I think it’s important to distinguish the difference of humiliation versus shame. Humiliation is a different emotion you feel like outrage, like I don’t deserve this. I don’t deserve this. Where shame you […]
Why do women feel shame over admitting to friends and community members that they have been betrayed?
Watch Listen Read This question today may be an unusual question. But I had a rough week noticing the post of one of my in town community members sharing her betrayal story. Part of me longed to jump in there and say, Hey, you are so not alone. I wish I could hug her and […]