How can I get rid of my ongoing cycle of feeling numb and crazy?
Watch Listen Read I felt the walking dead some days, and then a total emotional mess on other days, how do I stop feeling numb? I would encourage journaling and giving a voice to the numb. And if you’re feeling crazy, that means your mind is racing, which means that you want to do some […]
How can I not be easily duped and not feel stupid?
Watch Listen Read The question is, I am so easy to dupe. I think one of my negative beliefs was that I was dumb for not trusting the signs. So what I want to tell you, that too was one of my go-to beliefs of, I am so stupid. And I would realize once I […]
Can these ingrained negative beliefs keep you stuck unknowingly where one would need something like EMDR to release them?
Watch Listen Read The answer to that is absolutely yes. When you said I’ve had negative beliefs, like I’m not enough for over 60 years, those are deeply ingrained beliefs that are not true. And EMDR will allow you to recognize some of the experiences that have shaped those beliefs. And, for me, my marriage […]
How can I recover from trauma with my partner in the past and not feel dismissive?
Watch Listen Read I understand how it feels dismissive to reality check. When you’re saying that really happened, are you asking us to Pollyanna and just pretend it didn’t? No, that’s not at all what I’m asking you to do. And I remember this concept being taught by one of my professors about beliefs. And […]
How can I overcome the feeling like I’m two different people?
Watch Listen Read The question is like feeling like I’m fluctuating between two people, both of whom are me. It’s like on the one sense, I know this is true, but then that feels completely not true. I 100% remember like the way you described that with feeling like you’re two people that can’t communicate […]