How can I read stories of other betrayals and not take on the pain or unnecessary anxiety from them?
Watch Listen Read Reading other stories is triggering for me and I find myself applying their story to my situation. What if my husband had an affair with my best friend or what if my husband has been with prostitutes, how do I read these stories with empathy, but not take on the pain from […]
How can I get these recurring thoughts and images out of my head?
Watch Listen Read I have recurring thoughts and images multiple times a day, and I get so angry. I conjure up so many scenarios in my head that I literally have to stop and say out loud, think what you are thinking about, just stop. I’ve never been one that doesn’t take care of my […]
My partner betrayed me with a friend. Will I ever be able to trust again?
Watch Listen Read Okay. Oh, the only thing that makes betrayal, trauma suck even worse is when there’s a double betrayal. That double whammy, when your partner betrays you with a friend. Oh, that’s the case for this next question. That, that of course you are feeling like, I don’t know with whom I can […]
How can I recover from trauma with my partner in the past and not feel dismissive?
Watch Listen Read I understand how it feels dismissive to reality check. When you’re saying that really happened, are you asking us to Pollyanna and just pretend it didn’t? No, that’s not at all what I’m asking you to do. And I remember this concept being taught by one of my professors about beliefs. And […]
How do I get rid of my terrible nightmares resulting from betrayal trauma?
Watch Listen Read What to do about nightmares? Throughout my experience with betrayal trauma, I have been plagued by nightmares. It happens almost weekly. At the worst point, I had horrible dreams almost every night. I wake up exhausted and with a horrible headache, I can actually feel that my body has been pumping stress […]
How can I heal in the middle of a marriage where connection is missing?
Watch Listen Read A magnifying glass on a lack of connection. Ouch. This lesson comes at a really difficult time for me. I am sad, and to realize that four years after betrayal, I still cannot hold a gaze on my husband’s eyes and experience love and connection. Looking back, the only times we have […]
Why do women feel shame over admitting to friends and community members that they have been betrayed?
Watch Listen Read This question today may be an unusual question. But I had a rough week noticing the post of one of my in town community members sharing her betrayal story. Part of me longed to jump in there and say, Hey, you are so not alone. I wish I could hug her and […]
How does trauma get trapped in the physical body?
Watch Listen Read I’m sorry, I just don’t get it. I am depressed and I feel terrible about myself and my life in general due to my husband’s betrayal D-Day 2 years ago. And I’m definitely traumatized, and I feel pain and heaviness in my chest, clenching my jaw and shoulder, and other physical symptoms […]
Can I ever forgive a betrayal that caused so much suffering?
Watch Listen Read It’s been six months since I discovered that my husband was heavily into pornography. I’ve moved out of our home and I’ve started to calm down with yoga, meditation, therapy, You Bloom. Going back to work on Wednesday, we started a new couples therapy session where we went through the story all […]
How can I rebuild my marriage when it feels like I can’t trust my husband?
Watch Listen Read I feel I used to be a Buffalo and now I’ve become a cow. Since D-Day, my husband denials and trickle of information make me feel like a cow when it comes to thinking about putting things back on track, so to speak. I don’t feel like a mirror dropped on the […]