Move Toward™ with Jenna | Anxiety, Sadness, Depression, Overwhelmed, Numbness, Nothing
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How to Combine Breathwork and Mindfulness to Manage Trauma Triggers
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Meditation Group-Feel the Earth Beneath You, Soften Your Body and Breathe | Beyond Breath with Sariah
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Practicing Self-Compassion During a Trauma Flare
This class will teach you how to identify a trauma flare, what it looks and feels like for you.
Understand and be able to describe how self-compassion can help you through a trauma flare and have a step-by-step tool to use as you navigate triggers/trauma flares.
Developing an at Home Mindfulness Practice to Manage Triggers
In this class you’ll learn the background, science, and relevance of breath-work to help heal from betrayal trauma. Specifically, using breath-work to manage the trauma symptoms of anxiety, stress, physical and emotional health. JR will guide you through actual breath-work and will help you develop an at home practice for when the triggers come.
Developing Consistency in Recovery
In this class you’ll learn the background, science, and relevance of breath-work to help heal from betrayal trauma. Specifically, using breath-work to manage the trauma symptoms of anxiety, stress, physical and emotional health. JR will guide you through actual breath-work and will help you develop an at home practice for when the triggers come.
How to Stop Replaying Painful Memories
In this class you’ll learn the background, science, and relevance of breath-work to help heal from betrayal trauma. Specifically, using breath-work to manage the trauma symptoms of anxiety, stress, physical and emotional health. JR will guide you through actual breath-work and will help you develop an at home practice for when the triggers come.
Five steps to increase self-compassion, improving self-talk and healing trauma
In this class you’ll learn the background, science, and relevance of breath-work to help heal from betrayal trauma. Specifically, using breath-work to manage the trauma symptoms of anxiety, stress, physical and emotional health. JR will guide you through actual breath-work and will help you develop an at home practice for when the triggers come.
Move Toward™ with Jenna | Summer Self Care | Anxiety | Sadness | Loneliness | Isolation | Not Sleeping
In this class you’ll learn the background, science, and relevance of breath-work to help heal from betrayal trauma. Specifically, using breath-work to manage the trauma symptoms of anxiety, stress, physical and emotional health. JR will guide you through actual breath-work and will help you develop an at home practice for when the triggers come.
Developing safety and connection through internal and external boundaries
In this class you’ll learn the background, science, and relevance of breath-work to help heal from betrayal trauma. Specifically, using breath-work to manage the trauma symptoms of anxiety, stress, physical and emotional health. JR will guide you through actual breath-work and will help you develop an at home practice for when the triggers come.