Developing an at Home Mindfulness Practice to Manage Triggers
In this class you’ll learn the background, science, and relevance of breath-work to help heal from betrayal trauma. Specifically, using breath-work to manage the trauma symptoms of anxiety, stress, physical and emotional health. JR will guide you through actual breath-work and will help you develop an at home practice for when the triggers come.
Can Meditation Really Help Reduce Holiday Stress?
For many, the holiday season is a time of year that comes with many mixed emotions. While the traditions of the holidays can bring happiness and excitement, stress and grief can also accompany them. So, if you find yourself feeling too overwhelmed to enjoy the season, meditation may be the solution.
Five Practical Steps To Becoming More Emotionally Resilient
Resiliency is a key character trait of people who come through hard times as stronger more compassionate people. Resiliency simply means the ability to adapt to stress and difficult situations. Now if only it were that simple to be resilient.