It’s the holiday season! However, while many seem to be feeling the full Christmas spirit, you’re feeling full of stress. Instead of dancing around spreading holiday cheer, you’re doing all you can to keep your emotions from combusting. Sound familiar? If so, you may need to schedule some meditation time for self-care.
Amid all your holiday plans, a good ‘ole session of thinking about nothing may be the best gift to give yourself. An hour of meditation may be a great way for you to decompress so you can get back to the hustle and bustle of the season. If you don’t have an hour, a few minutes can help too. For many, the holiday season is a time of year that comes with many mixed emotions. While the holidays’ traditions can bring happiness and excitement, stress and grief can also accompany them. So, if you find yourself feeling too overwhelmed to enjoy the season, it may be time for a break.
Meditation through yoga, a sound bath, or practicing mindfulness can rejuvenate our minds and bodies. Let’s discuss how meditation might be the solution to getting you through this holiday season with a smile on your face.

What is Meditation?
Before we do, what is meditation? It is a useful technique that aims to quiet the mind. Likewise, the intent is often to focus on being in the present moment and letting worries take a back seat for a while. The good thing about meditation is that you may be able to experience the benefits even if you only have five minutes to spare. While it may seem like you can use meditation and relaxation interchangeably, there’s actually a big difference.
Is there really a difference when it comes to meditation?
So, what’s the difference between watching a movie and meditation? After all, you’re not loving the idea of listening to a voice tell you when to breathe. Keep in mind, while guided meditation may not be for you, there are many types of meditation you can consider. The difference between a movie and meditating is that watching a movie, like reading, is meant to engage your mind. While it may feel relaxing to sit and enjoy what’s going on in front of you, it doesn’t provide your brain with a break like meditating can. On the contrary, through meditation, the intent is to clear the mind of every thought as you intentionally focus on the moment.
There are many benefits of meditating too. For example, it can help you manage stress, become more self-aware, and reduce negative emotions. Likewise, it can lower anxiety and help you sleep better. Furthermore, it can even help you become a better multi-tasker. Imagine the benefits of improving your ability to multitask during this time of year.

What are some types of meditation?
For some, they hear the word meditation and immediately tune out. After all, the last thing you want right now is to sit still with racing thoughts. Not to mention that often, downtime means your task list is piling higher.
So, if you’re thinking thanks but no thanks, don’t leave just yet. You see, there are many benefits to meditation. It’s great for your mental health. For example, it can improve your mood, productivity level and reduce anxiety and stress.
Here are 3 popular types of meditation exercises.
Yoga falls into the movement meditation category. For some hard-core athletes, the thought of doing yoga may sound like a waste of time. However, many find yoga is difficult and can also be an excellent workout for the body and mind. There are many health benefits to yoga, and it may be worth trying to see if you can keep your thoughts focused solely on your breathing.
Mindfulness is another form of meditation. Through mindfulness, you learn to let thoughts come and go without judgment, which is usually a challenge for beginners. Likewise, this practice can help you learn how to live in the moment. As a result, you can become less reactive to thoughts that seem overwhelming right now.
Next, there’s sound healing and guided meditation. An example of this is a sound bath. A sound bath involves various instruments such as gongs and singing bowls, and the intent is to “bathe” in sound waves. For many, the experience can be quite powerful. Sound baths promote emotional healing and can do wonders for your mental health. Likewise, this ancient form of deep meditation can lower stress and anxiety and help you improve your focus.
Why is sound healing so beneficial?
Sound healing releases vibrations that energize the alpha and theta waves in your brain. These brain waves are very beneficial for healing. For example, if you practice meditation, the alpha and theta brain waves are responsible for that deep meditative state of mind and body. The concept of sound healing is similar to meditation and yoga. However, instead of focusing on breathing, you focus on the sounds you’re hearing.
“Holistic healing practices such as a sound bath may help you decompress after a long day of being on the go. The frequencies of the specialized instruments in a sound bath can stimulate specific brain waves conducive to deep relaxation. As a result, you may find the experience can also clear your mind and aid in healing or recovery. “
– JR Patterson AMFT | EFT | EMDR (Choice Holistic Recovery)

Where Can I Get More Information?
While there are many types of meditation to learn about, that’s just the beginning. The benefits alone may be worth exploring.
If you’re curious to learn more about sound baths and guided meditations, check out this article. It’s a great resource to answer your questions.
“Is a Sound Bath Just What You Need This Holiday Season?” (3 minute Read)
Likewise, at, we understand women may struggle with anxiety, betrayal trauma, or negative emotions. Meditation is a great way to decompress in a short amount of time. Likewise, if you can drop what you’re doing and spend an hour on yourself, the benefits can be even greater.
Remember, you’re not alone, and we may be able to help. Visit our website today. We offer various resources that may help you for free.