Move Toward™ with Jenna | Anxiety, Sadness, Depression, Overwhelmed, Numbness, Nothing
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How to Combine Breathwork and Mindfulness to Manage Trauma Triggers
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Developing an at Home Breath-work Practice to Manage Triggers
In this class you’ll learn the background, science, and relevance of breath-work to help heal from betrayal trauma. Specifically, using breath-work to manage the trauma symptoms of anxiety, stress, physical and emotional health. JR will guide you through actual breath-work and will help you develop an at home practice for when the triggers come.
Red Lights and Deep Breaths
It wasn’t until a few weeks later it sunk in, D no longer chatted happily after pick up. I anxiously held my breath while waiting to turn left. My shoulders were tight and lifted. At times I avoided the entire intersection, adding 5 minutes to the drive, and found I was on the verge of tears at all times in a car.
We had trauma, and it was stuck in our bodies.