How can I reclaim special memories without thinking about my husband’s betrayals?

Watch Listen Read Since my partners formal disclosure, I now know that there was literally no time period or place that was safe from his addiction. He acted out with sex workers during or near major milestones, including when we traveled abroad for our wedding, took our child back on a trip to meet her […]
Is my imagined memory about how my husband behaved while acting out an okay topic to write on?
Watch Listen Read The memory that is most intrusive for me is imagined one, how my husband might’ve looked or behaved while acting out. Since I obviously don’t have firsthand knowledge of what happened. Is this an okay topic to write on? Also, how is this similar or different from prolonged exposure therapy things? The […]
Can journaling help with a lifetime of memories?
Watch Listen Read I’m having a hard time determining one event to journal about. My husband disclosed betrayal that occurred throughout our 22 year marriage. I do not have one specific memory, I’m processing an entire marriage. What we’re looking for here is you to give a language to some of these experiences. What we […]