I have been chemical hugging my son and daughter and am going to do the writing challenge with my husband, but that’s the scariest of them all.




I often chemical hug attack my son. He can be difficult to connect with and chemical hugs, long, deep, 20 second plus hugs have been a gift for our relationship. I’ve decided to do the eye challenge with him and he thought it was silly yesterday. But already today, he asked me when we were doing it. I’m doing the hugs with my oldest daughter and I’m going to do the writing challenge with my husband. This to me is the scariest of them all.

You know what? I love the fact that you’re doing it, and I love the fact that you’re reporting. I love the fact that you’re getting this connection with your son and your daughter and the writing one with your husband. Who knows what will happen, but you’re trying. And that’s the fact. As you try, you build foundation, maybe it’s writing, maybe it’s eye contact eventually with your husband, maybe it’s stopping eventually. But you’re doing it with your children, that’s where we start, great. And then the writing, I’m impressed. Keep us posted, I’d love to know where it ends up. But your son, I love it. He’s asking, right? Because we long for connection. All of us long for connection, that eye contact. These principles work, eye contact, healthy touch, writing, expressing, letting out the language, the thoughts, the internal feelings we’re having and sharing them with others. It’s a deeper level of how healthy relationships are formed. So thank you for sharing and may you be blessed, keep us posted in how it’s going, I’d love to hear.

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