In reflecting on the past ten years, we’re deeply grateful for the trust and commitment you’ve brought to the Bloom for Women community. Your stories, resilience, and dedication to growth have been our guiding lights. Today, we stand at the threshold of an exciting new chapter—a chapter that has been shaped by your experiences, insights, and the evolving needs we’ve discovered together.
Free Courses
Our free content library is developed industry leaders and designed to help both men and women overcome the obstacles they face with betrayal trauma and sexually compulsive behavior.
Growth Sessions
These drop-in style sessions with our beloved coaches Andrea & Peter Rowley allow you to come together with a group of like-minded individuals to find growth and healing.
Suggested resources...
For Couples
Created with couples in mind this bundle will help you gain understanding as well as the essential tools to rediscover intimacy and trust.
For Singles
Coming soon...
This transition signifies not just a continuation but an enhancement of resources. On, you’ll discover a more focused and specialized approach to support, uniquely designed to enrich your overall well-being and strengthen your connections.
Unlock the Power of Communication: Join Our Free Webinar.
As part of our commitment to supporting you through this transition, Dr. Skinner will be hosting a free webinar titled ‘How to Communicate When You Don’t Know What to Say.’ Led by his expertise, this session will equip you with valuable communication tools, enabling you to express your thoughts effectively even in challenging situations.
Navigating the Transition
Frequently Asked Questions
Insights from our community have shown the need for deeper trauma work and the difficulties of balancing therapy and coaching simultaneously. To better serve you, we're closing the Bloom coaching program and expanding our services with
Continue to engage in our free drop-in groups and access course content on the Bloom website--offering spaces for ongoing growth and connection., a creation by Dr. Skinner and the Addo Recovery team, marks a new chapter with tailored growth sessions, workshops, and programs for individuals and couples. Discover innovative ways to strengthen relationships and enhance communication skills.
Reserve your spot for the free webinar hosted by Dr. Skinner. Click [here] to gain valuable communication tools for expressing your thoughts effectively, even in challenging situations.
As we navigate these changes together, your presence in our community remains invaluable. Your trust, your stories, and your dedication to personal growth have profoundly shaped our journey. We want to express our deepest gratitude for the past, present, and future moments we’ll share. If you have any further questions or thoughts as we move through this transition, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Your well-being is at the heart of our mission, and we eagerly look forward to continuing this transformative journey hand in hand.
With warmest regards,
The Bloom for Women Team